World Leprosy Day
World Leprosy Day

World Leprosy day is held throughout the world on the last Sunday in January.
Some countries use the occasion to raise awareness about leprosy. This year the Fiji leprosy team together with our welfare rep, Kathey Foi organised a get together at Twomey hospital which was attended by the Fijian Minister for Health, Dr. Atonio Lalabalavu, current and former medical staff and current and former leprosy patients, some of whom shared their stories with the guests. Dr Temea from Kiribati and Dr Joseph from the Solomon Islands also attended as they are currently studying in Fiji, making it a truly international day.
Prayers were led by Fr Milikiade Rayalu SM (See photo, left)
The event got wide media coverage from the Fiji Times, On Times, FBC News and Breakfast at Fiji One. The Minister emphasised the need for the world to move on from the stigma and discrimination surrounding leprosy, enabling potential patients to ask for help without fear of recrimination.
Former patient, Julia, shared her experience of leprosy and the fear she had felt when she was diagnosed. (See photo, right)