Faoa Filipo - a new case of leprosy in Savaii
Faoa Filipo - a new case of leprosy in Savaii

Faoa Filipo is a small farmer in the village of Lefagaoalii on the island of Savaii in Samoa. He comes from a poor family in a poor village and struggles to support his wife and their four young children by selling cucumbers and pumpkins he grows on his farm.
He contracted leprosy in 2022 and underwent treatment for one year. He was cleared nearly a year ago but still has serious bouts of leprosy reactions* which can make it difficult for him to do manual work on his farm.
One of his sons Apelu, aged 10, was also diagnosed with leprosy earlier this year and will be undergoing treatment until the end of the year.
All Faoa’s children are enrolled in the village primary school, but the children have been in and out of school because Faoa couldn’t always raise funds to pay their school fees. It is not only a matter of school fees but also school uniforms, sandals and lunch money.
The Foundation has now included Faoa’s children in our Education Assistance Program, joining the other 40 children who are already in the program. With your help, the Foundation can pay all his children’s school fees and give the family a monthly allowance to help with other school-related expenses.
Faoa doesn’t really understand clearly what the Pacific Leprosy Foundation is, or who its donors are, but he wants to extend his heartfelt appreciation to everyone who will be helping him and his family. He said he will pray for all of them.