A new young patient in Fiji
A new young patient in Fiji

This is Faith Senilagakali Vosaki from Ogea in the
Lau group of islands. She was diagnosed with
MB Leprosy (multi-bacterial) in December and
admitted to Twomey hospital for her first month
of treatment to be supervised.
Faith is 13 and is now going to school in Suva.
She must have been very bored in hospital, but
our country representatives, Kathey, visited her
frequently and made sure she had activities to
complete and books to read.
Some of Faith’s leprosy lesions are on her face;
this is concerning as if she wasn’t treated for
leprosy, the nerves in her face could become
damaged leading to difficulty smiling and
closing her eyes (which can lead to blindness).
Luckily the specialists at the hospital are
keeping a close eye on her progress and by the
end of this year she should be cured of leprosy,
and no longer in danger of disability.
Your support not only helps us to care for
Faith, but also to train doctors in leprosy and its
complications, ensuring that patients like Faith
can be assured of leading a full, normal life in
the future – thank you so much!